Institute of Politics Sri Lanka (IOPSL) is the national apex body in the field of professional Politics in Sri Lanka, dedicated to promoting professional Politics in the country. IOPSL was inaugurated on 2002 and was incorporated by asa guaranteed limited in 2013.
The Institute is administered by a Chairman, Four Directors, A Director function as the Executive Director and A Committee of 15 members of which 3 members represent the affiliated Institutions and Organizations of this Institute. Such Members are duly elected at an Annual General Meeting. They constitute the Council of the Institute.
Membership Categories
Fellowship/ Membership
The IOPSL provides opportunities for a wide spectrum of politicians to be engaged in its activities. Different categories of membership are identified in order to draw such persons into the fold of politics learning and sharing.
The two main membership categories are
- Individual Membership
- Corporate Membership.
Persons who possess a Diploma in Politics from a recognized University or recognized Institution, in Governance , Public policy or in any of the functional disciplines of Political Science, who satisfy the Council.
Members are entitled to use the designatory letters MIOP (SL)